
Academic Research Projects and Publications

AI in Collaborative Work Conversational Agent Virtual Collaboration Tools Social Media Privacy & Safety

AI in Collaborative Work

Wikipedia tool image

[Ongoing] Building an AI Discussion Facilitator Tool for Wikipedia Communities

Lead Researcher, University of Washington


Currently developing a web-based prototype while testing LLM prompts and evaluating model performance.

Summary tool research image

Investigating Wikipedians’ Discourse Comprehension and Perspectives on AI Tools for Discussion Processing

Lead Researcher, University of Washington


Developed a technology probe using iterative LLM prompting and conducted 14 interviews.


Paper under review

Conversational Agent

Companion image

[Ongoing] Building Design Guidelines for AI Companions

Lead Researcher, University of Washington


Conducted a collaborative auto-ethnography and intensive literature review, and currently leading the iterative guideline development and evaluation.


Paper under review

Knock chatbot image

Designing a Knowledge-Sharing Chatbot for a Co-Living Space

Lead Researcher, Seoul National University


Conducted eight interviews and a co-creation workshop with 15 users, designed a chatbot prototype, and led a one-week usability case study with 19 users.


Sang Ah Park, Yoon Young Lee, Soobin Cho, Minjoon Kim, and Joongseek Lee. 2021. “Knock Knock, Here Is an Answer from Next Door”: Designing a Knowledge Sharing Chatbot to Connect Residents: Community Chatbot Design Case Study. CSCW’21 Companion [pdf]

Sang Ah Park, Soobin Cho, Yoon Young Lee, and Joongseek Lee. 2021. ‘Naver Knowledge-iN’ in a Speaker: Designing a Voice-Based Knowledge Sharing Service. HCIK 2021 [pdf]

Single households study image

Understanding Entertainment-Driven Use of Smart Speakers in Single Households

Lead Researcher, Seoul National University


Conducted a six-week field study with 19 users, including analysis of 2,491 utterance data.


Soobin Cho, Yoon Young Lee, Sang Ah Park, and Joongseek Lee. 2021. “Can Smart Speaker Be the ‘SimSimi’ for Single Households?”: Study on the Use of Smart Speakers by Single Households. HCIK 2021 [pdf]

Classical music app image

Building a Smart Speaker Application for Classical Music Beginners

Research Assistant, Seoul National University


Assisted conversation design and collected VOCs during a 15-day usability case study with 25 users.

Media Reports

Seoul Economic Daily, Aju News, E Daily, MBN News, New Daily, Sports Seoul, Nate News, Seoul Culture Today

AI auditory cues study image

Investigating Auditory Cues for Separateness of AI Speaker Services

Lead Researcher, Seoul National University


Designed conversational agent prototypes and conducted usability testing with 10 users.


Soobin Cho and Joongseek Lee. 2020. Study on Auditory Cues for Conversation Separateness in AI Speaker Multi-Turn Services. HICK 2020 [pdf]

Virtual Collaboration Tools

Virtual collaboration tools image

Understanding Co-Studying Activity on Video Conferencing Rooms

Lead Researcher, Seoul National University


Conducted 42 interviews, a survey with 107 users, and analysis of 464 video screens.


Soobin Cho, Joongseek Lee, and Bongwon Suh. 2023. “I Want to Reveal, but I Also Want to Hide” Understanding the Conflict of Revealing and Hiding Needs in Virtual Study Rooms. CSCW’23 [pdf]

New video conferencing interface image

Designing a New Video Conferencing Interface for Virtual Studying

Lead Researcher, Seoul National University


Designed video conferencing interfaces and conducted usability testing with 10 users.


Soobin Cho, Bongwon Suh, and Joongseek Lee. 2022. “Hide Your Video, Show Your Action!” Investigating a New Video Conferencing Interface for Virtual Studying. CSCW’22 Companion [pdf]

Remote awareness study image

Investigating Information Needed for Awareness between Remote Workers

Lead Researcher, Seoul National University


Designed a pseudo-service and conducted a one-week usability case study with eight users.


Soobin Cho, Bongwon Suh, and Joongseek Lee. 2020. Not Too Much, Nor Too Less: Investigating Which Information Should Be Shared for Awareness Between Remote Workers. CSCW’20 Companion [pdf]

Social Media Privacy & Safety

Teen privacy project image

Designing to Protect Privacy and Reduce Fear Among Teens on Social Media

Research Assistant, University of Washington


Assisted in conducting survey research and analyzing interviews, including thematic coding.


JaeWon Kim, Soobin Cho, Robert Wolfe, Jishnu Hari Nair, and Alexis Hiniker. 2025. Privacy as Social Norm: Systematically Empowering Teen Privacy Management on Social Media. CSCW’25 (In press) [pdf]